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Jun 21, · I have been trying desperately for months to automate a process whereby a csv file is downloaded, maned and saved in a given location. so far I only managed with excel vba to open the web page and click the bottom to download the csv file, but the code stop and required a manual intervention to to be completed, i would like it to be fully automated if possible. see . Oct 07, · This guide is a compiled Help file and opens in HTML Help. This content is also available in the TechNet library. The OfficeResourceKitchm is a downloadable CHM that includes content in the Office technical library. The CHM is current as of the date above. For the latest information, see the Office technical library on the Web. Feb 06, · I am trying to read excel file in the VS And I am trying to use the Object Library available. But I am not able to find the library exe for the Excel
Microsoft html object library excel 2013 free download.Microsoft Excel Object Library Free Download
Jun 21, · I have been trying desperately for months to automate a process whereby a csv file is downloaded, maned and saved in a given location. so far I only managed with excel vba to open the web page and click the bottom to download the csv file, but the code stop and required a manual intervention to to be completed, i would like it to be fully automated if possible. see . Oct 11, · need a help. I want to download the the microsoft excel object library. Because I want read Excel data to use VB on VS, so I want to that. I did search «Reference Manager» -> «COM» -> not found «Microsoft Excel Object Library». How to download the microsoft excel object · The type library for any Office application (including. Nov 29, · This the assembly necessary to do Office Excel interop. Add Reference – COM – Microsoft Excel Object Library. Have any compliments or complaints to MSDN Support, feel free to contact [email protected] Add a reference to microsoft excel object library, in the project menu click. Microsoft excel object library dll free download .
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I have been trying desperately for months to automate a process whereby a csv file is downloaded, maned and saved in a given location. I am posting a second answer, since, as I believe my first answer is adequate for many similar applications, it does not work in this instance. You can read the webpage’s.
But this method does not seem to work, for this site. The ele. Click doesn’t seem to initiate the download, it just opens the data tabular on the webpage. If you have gotten that far as I suspect, based on the subroutines you are calling, but for which you did not provide the code , then you can probably use the Win API to get the HWND of the Save dialog and possibly automate that event. Santosh provides some information on that:.
VBA – Go to website and download file from save prompt. You may need to automate a text-to-columns operation on the imported data, but that can easily be replicated with the macro recorder.
I put an example of this in the Test subroutine below. You could easily modify this to add the QueryTables in a new workbook, and then automate the SaveAs method on that workbook to save the file as a CSV. This can be modified pretty easily to put it in another sheet, another workbook, etc. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 8 years, 5 months ago. Active 8 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 31k times.
Application» IeApp. Click ‘At this point you need to Save the document manually ‘ or figure out for yourself how to automate this interaction. Quit End Sub» thanks in advance Nunzio. Improve this question. Nunzio Puntillo Nunzio Puntillo 33 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges.
For example, stackoverflow. BTW that looks like my code. I remember writing the comment «figure out for yourself how to automate this interaction». DavidZemens it is your code, in fact i specified that I am not the author of it and i left all your comment I do not want to take credit for your codes ; thanks for for it — Nunzio Puntillo.
Oh, I did not mean anything like that. You are welcome to use my code, I just thought it was interesting to see my code again : Cheers. Show 1 more comment. Active Oldest Votes. Why the other methods fail: The. Click method: This raises a new window which expects user input at run-time, it doesn’t seem to be possible to use the WinAPI to control this window. Or, at least not any way that I can determine. The code execution stops on the. Click line until the user manually intervenes, there is no way to use a GoTo or a Wait or any other method to circumvent this behavior.
Using a WinAPI function to download the source file directly does not work, since the button’s URL does not contain a file, but rather a js function that serves the file dynamically. Here is my proposed workaround solution: You can read the webpage’s.
Application» With IeApp. Navigate url Do Until. OpenTextFile fName, 2, True, -1 f. Write IeDoc. ReadLine ‘ The data starts on the 4th line in the InnerText. AtEndOfStream f. WriteLine vLn Next f. Improve this answer. David Zemens David Zemens Oh I forgot to include the code for the function SplitLine : I will update in a moment! The Application. Find is absolutely supported in VBA.
And for future reference, please, if you get «an error» please always take the time to tell me what error message. I can’t read your mind. It will also be helpful if you will tell me what is the value of newText at the time this error raises.
And, just to point out another obvious: as a matter of courtesy, it would be nice if you took 1 second to at least upvote all of the help that I’ve given you so far on this. And I’m doing this for free. So, please consider upvoting the answers I’ve given you so far. Show 7 more comments. Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge. Querytable does not work for this website, I tried already but without any good result. Thanks anyway. NunzioPuntillo I’m well aware of this, which is why I explain why it doesn’t work, and also offer you some additional information.
I suspect the answer you’re looking for is in one or both of those links. Follow them, try out those methods, and see if they will solve your problem. You might be able to answer your own question this way. I see the SaveAs dialog is interfering with runtime.
Let me think about that This is tricky I thought this kind of simulate a right-click «save target as» might help but it is not meant for files served from JS like this one.
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